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gum margin中文是什么意思

用"gum margin"造句"gum margin"怎么读"gum margin" in a sentence


  • 牙龈缘
  • 龈缘


  • It is caused by poor dental hygiene . a layer of plaque accumulates along the gum margin
  • It is caused by poor dental hygiene . a layer of plaque accumulates along the gum margin
  • Bacterial toxins from plaque will accumulate at the gum margin , causing gum inflammation , gum swelling or bleeding while brushing
  • Brush the teeth everyday with fluoride toothpaste in the morning and before going to bed at night . removable dentures should be taken out before teeth brushing . place the soft - bristled toothbrush against the gum margin and gently brush in a back - and - forth motion along the outer surfaces and inner surface
  • Brush the teeth everyday with fluoride toothpaste in the morning and before going to bed at night . removable dentures should be taken out before teeth brushing . place the soft - bristled toothbrush against the gum margin and gently brush in a back - and - forth motion along the outer surfaces and inner surface
用"gum margin"造句  


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